
Frequently Asked Questions

Based on two variables, the estimated amount in market data and/or the sales history of existing locations today. Market data are statistical figures taken from various sources, the only estimated variable is the % of desired participation, the remaining variables such as the segmentation of the target market are given by the analysis we perform of the offer, its average ticket, and to whom (who) it is directed.

Voting will be carried out with weight proportional to the shares in the company that owns the point of sale.

A value is set to guarantee all expenses prior to the business opening; after the opening, the need to make a contribution by all partners for the operational capital is assessed.

A company will be formed with the participation of each shareholder according to the legislation of the country where the business is implemented.

Shares can only be sold with the acceptance of 100% of shareholders.

Shareholders will have real-time access to sales; reports will be made monthly through the company.